PMI overview | Power Management Institute

PMI Overview

The domain of Learning and Development (L&D) is undergoing major change in recent times. There is more emphasis on result orientation, programs being in tune with futuristic trends, simulation learning, case studies, experiential learning and delivery through variety of platforms like classroom, e-learning, m-learning and social learning etc.

Keeping above in mind, NTPC PMI consistently revamps its programs, creates new content and enriches the pedagogy.

Our programs are conceived on the basis of informed anticipation of the future trends and the requirements of the business organizations in the entire power sector.  Our programs are therefore focused not only to needs of NTPC but also capture the needs of external organisations who are our esteemed customers. The programs are designed after a multidimensional Training Need Analysis (TNA). A major input about the training needs comes from our Performance Management System (PMS).  NTPC has an elaborate PMS system which captures the training needs of the employees.  We also organise Assessment Centers which highlight the development needs of the participants. In addition, inputs are taken from top management about their vision of the futuristic learning needs.   Data from these sources is used to design training programs. On external customer front, we have regular dialogues with our existing and prospective customers and   we often co-create the program design and content with the customer. Thus, NTPC PMI is quipped to deliver learning solutions to both internal as well as external clients


                                                   Program Selection Process

NTPC PMI conducts programs for:

  1. Executive trainees,
  2. Developing functional and managerial competencies,
  3. Leadership development,
  4. Planned interventions at transition points to higher responsibility levels,
  5. Technical and IT domains,
  6. Health, Safety and Environment

A Comprehensive Long Duration Induction Program for Executive Trainees

One of the most comprehensive and unique program of PMI is the Executive Trainee (ET) induction program.  This program combines classroom learning with simulator learning and practical on-the-job training. The trainees get exposure to diverse disciplines like Engineering, O&M, Project Management, Contracts, IT, Finance, Human Resources and other areas of practical significance.

This program has contributed immensely to the growth and excellence of the Company by developing a cadre of excellent power professionals who are not only taking the Maharatna NTPC forward as a global giant but also occupying leadership positions in other companies.  NTPC PMI can be rightly said to be a nursery of technocrat leaders.  

Many other organizations have realized the value of such comprehensive induction programs and have sought our services to design and conduct similar programs for them. NTPC PMI has provided its services by way of delivering ET induction programs to Siemens, Alstom, L&T, UPRVUN, Adani Power, OPGCL, Bajaj Energy, SJVNL, THDC, LANCO, Awantha Power and Jaiprakash Power Ventures. This ET program is also customized and delivered in shorter formats as per needs of various clients.

Leadership Development Programs for Senior Executives

NTPC PMI conducts select programs for senior executives with a view to enhancing their strategic business perspective and leadership acumen. These programs cover areas like strategic management, business environment scanning, stakeholder engagement, enterprise risk management and leadership.

NTPC PMi collaborated  with the best learning institutes in the world like Harvarad University,  The Wharton School and conducted a Leadership Development Program for EDs and GMs. We also have tie up with renowned Indian institutions like IIM Ahmedabad, ISB Hyderabad, IIM Calcutta, XLRI Jamshedpur for customised regular learning programs for our middle and senior level executives.  

We also conduct several such programs at NTPC PMI with faculty resource drawn from our own dedicated faculty and also from  leading institutions in the country like IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, ; IIT Delhi; Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) Mumbai; Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) Hyderabad;  XLRI Jamshedpur; MDI Gurgaon, Ken Blanchard, Franklin Covey, Dale Carnegie, KPMG, Deloitte and several others .

Developing Functional and Managerial Competence

NTPC PMI offers a very rich range of learning solutions under this category.  

These programs are aimed at developing competencies in all critical functional areas like Strategic Management, Communications Skills, Team Building, Knowledge Management, Human Resource, Finance, Customer Orientation, Commercial and Regulatory Issues, Safety, CSR, Management of the Environment, Sustainability, Project Management, Contracts Management, Inventory Management, Quality Assurance and Contract Labor Management.

Some of the programs in this category are:

  1. Innovation and entrepreneurial mindset
  2. Managing talent, developing and coaching
  3. Big data analysis
  4. Dispute resolution in contracts
  5. Project Management - Safety aspects of project
  6. Behavior based safety
  7. Building inspiring and leading a team
  8. Environment and forest management
  9. Innovative project management through simulation

Level-Wise Planned Interventions

As employees grow in the organization, they need to acquire certain leadership and general management competencies at different levels, across functions and departments.

We conduct specially designed leadership and management development programs at certain identified stages of the careers of all the executives across all the functions in order to build these competencies. These programs are called “Planned Interventions”.  A schematic representation of these interventions is depicted below                                                   

                                                                       Planned Interventions

Programs under the category ‘Planned Interventions’ are of up to two weeks’ duration. The aim is to equip executives at various levels with competencies and skills required to take up the challenges for the next level.

The specific program modules include strategic thinking, communication skills, negotiations skills, risk management, conflict resolution, boundary management, Innovation, decision making, understanding of finance, commercial and regulatory issues, team building, contract labor management and other areas of practical significance.

A recent addition in this category is the innovative 10x- Young Leader’s program aimed at enhancing capabilities of young promising leaders. The program is delivered to potential young leaders in a unique modular format comprising of modules on seven diverse themes spanning from Excel modelling to Strategic management. Intensive project based learning is also an integral part of this program.

NTPC PMI also conducts Employee Development Programs for non-executives posted at our Corporate Centre.

Enhancing Technical Expertise

Programs under this category are designed to enhance technical knowledge and competencies of the participants. The emphasis is on new and emerging areas and advances in technologies. These programs also serve as an important platform for experience-sharing and leveraging the tacit knowledge of participants and the faculty.

Some of the new programs under this category are:

  1. Solar PV : Technology, issues and challenges
  2. Advanced technology in power generation
  3. Power system protection
  4. New challenges in coal handling plant
  5. Control valves and actuators
  6. Generation cost reduction DDCMIS- Procontrol P 13 system

Information Technology Programs

The programs under this category are designed to equip the participants with the latest know-how in the rapidly changing field of Information Technology (IT).

IT- enablement is a critical success factor for all organisations today. Our programs in this field impart the necessary inputs to the participants to keep them abreast of the latest in the field.

Some of the programs in this category are:

  1. 3 D course on Autocad
  2. Mobile apps development
  3. E procurement
  4. Cloud computing

Emphasis on holistic learning

We believe that people work best when they are in harmony with their innerself and calm from inside. We have therefore started an array of programs which address inner well-being.   Such programs are being conducted  in collaboration with leading organisations like  Art of Living, Isha Foundation, Bramhkumaris, Prasanna Trust etc.

Certification Course

To enhance the competence and credibility of the competence acquired during the program, number of certification courses have been increased in the areas of Health and Medical and Technical

Modern and Customised Pedagogy

We consistently align our pedagogy to suit the program objectives. This ensures effective delivery of learning. A judicious blend of techniques like role plays, case studies, simulation games, out-bound experiential learning, e-learning and other methods are combined with class room lectures to make the learning experience effective and interesting.

eLearning, Video and Web Conferencing to Deliver Programs at Participants’ Doorsteps

Learning through these IT & Communication enabled modes allows participants to learn at their work-place, at their own pace and convenience. Such learning eliminates the opportunity cost of participants’ absence from their work place. It also does away with the hassles of travel and reduced the expenditure on training. PMI is increasingly using such platforms and delivery methods. Such programs can be delivered to all locations in NTPC and also to client locations.

A few programs in this category listed in this calendar are Ancillary service regulation, Preparation of qualifying requirements for contracts, Dispute resolution, Training systems in ERP, Power generation from Wind Energy.

NTPC PMI eminent speaker series

PMI has started a series of programs under the NTPC PMI eminent speaker series, in which eminent speakers from India and abroad are invited to give discourse on important subjects. These half day discourses are attended by top management of NTPC, a large number of executives from NTPC and invitees from external organisations. These discourses are also telecasted live to all offices, projects and stations of NTPC. In last few months PMI has invited speakers like Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Prof Vijay Govindarajan, Ms Deepa Malik and Waterman of India Shri Rajendra Singh.

NTPC PMI- a Learning Center of Choice for Industry Players

NTPC PMI's rich experience and expertise in the field of training and development has been utilised extensively by numerous client organizations from India and abroad. Through our comprehensive, contemporary and effective learning solutions, we provide a holistic learning experience to the participants.  A significant number of executives from external organisations participate in the training programs notified in our calendar.

Apart from conducting the scheduled training programs listed in this calendar, we also conduct many customized programs for various internal as well external customers.

A few participants from our customer organisations i.e. State Power Utilities are also provided free participation in our programs under the Company’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiative. PMI has also been identified as a partner institute for imparting training to Discom officials under the IPDS scheme.

Many organisations like Tata Power, GIPCL, EESL have signed MOU with us making PMI as their preferred training partner.  We have thus emerged as a trusted partner for capacity building of power professionals not only within NTPC but also among several client companies from India and abroad.
