Simhadri-STPS | Power Management Institute

Simhadri Super Thermal Power Plant is a coal-fired power plant located in the outskirts of Visakhapatnam city in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The power plant is one of the coal fired power plants of NTPC, a Government of India enterprise. The coal for the power plant is sourced from Kalinga Block of Talcher Coal fields in Odisha. The plant is a national asset, and power generated is shared between multiple states, as the operator is national. Power generated by units 1 and 2, making up for 1,000 MW, is dedicated to power distribution companies owned by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The remaining 1,000 MW, generated by units 3 and 4, is allocated to the states of Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Puducherry as per their shares as decided in PPA.