PMI Head Details | Power Management Institute

PMI Head Details

Rachana Singh Bhal


PMI has played a very important role in keeping NTPC at the fore front of knowledge and expertise in its area of interest and operation. It has played a pivotal role in providing cutting edge expertise and learning opportunities to professionals of NTPC, its stakeholders and client organizations for meeting myriad challenges that are confronting the sector as a whole in these times of rapid changes. Over the years its role has evolved to provide cutting edge training & consultancy services to State Electricity Boards and other power utilities in India as well as in international arena besides organizing training & development activities for NTPC. 

In view of the growing challenges in the power sector, NTPC needs to be even more agile, receptive and innovative. In this respect PMI plays the critical role of a catalyst and think tank providing support to top management and key stakeholders in planning and designing policies, programmes and new initiatives in line with the emerging needs of NTPC as well as power sector as a whole. PMI is well equipped with an inter-disciplinary team comprising of both technical and management professionals from different functional areas and is best placed to take on these emerging challenges confronting the organization. 

As per its Vision & Values, PMI is committed to create a highly professional learning environment and provide innovative, practical and customized training and consultancy services through its programmes and related activities. In sync with the emerging requirements PMI designs contemporary training and development activities in areas like leadership development, institution building, renewable energy, super critical technologies, communication skills, project management etc. PMI is also leveraging the power of Information Technology and delivering innovative courses through web conferencing, video conferencing and e-Learning technologies. I strongly believe that PMI will not only augment the intellectual wealth of NTPC, but will play a leading role as knowledge hub for the entire power sector in the country. 
